Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

We respect and protect your privacy at Ikonic Spirits. Anyone who visits and purchases from our website is in a secure environment. We are committed to providing you with the best online service and experience, as well as the best products, as a seller of fine wine and wine-related products. The purpose of this policy statement is to share it with you fully.

  • A detailed explanation of what we collect
  • What we do with that information
  • With whom do we share that information
  • How to Modify the Data
  • How can you request that we not collect any information about you?

What information does Ikonicspirits collect and how is it used?

  1. When you visit the Ikonicspirits website, we collect basic information that does not identify individual users. This includes which pages are visited, the types of products purchased, and any feedback from our visitors.
  2. Cookies are used on our site to improve navigation, keep track of items, and provide personalized content. We also use cookies to remember some of the information you’ve provided us so you don’t have to enter it every time you visit the site. Cookies help us see which areas of the site are popular and which are not by showing us how and when shoppers use the site. Many site enhancements and updates are based on data such as the total number of visitors and pages viewed.C. When you register with Ikonics Spirits online, you give us the following details:
  • First and last name
  • Addresses for billing and shipping (es)
  • Email address
  • Phone number
  • Names of items you purchase from us
  • The text you include in Gift Messages

When you register with us, we may collect some or all of the data listed above. We use this information as follows.

  1. Based on this information, we complete your order.
  2. We provide you with information about your order (such as, whether your order has been received, processed, or shipped).
  3. Using the address you provide, we add you to our list for our free monthly email.
  4. In the event that one of our customer care professionals needs to get in touch with you and is unable to do so by email, we ask for your phone number.
  5. To give you the greatest customer service and the most up-to-date information about your order, we save the details of the products you bought.

With whom do we share information?

Nobody. Ever. We will not sell, rent, or share any portion of our customer database with third parties.Security and Credit Card Processing

Shopping with Ikonic Spirits is secure; you never have to worry about credit card security when you shop with us. A third-party processor (Stripe) handles credit card transactions by tokenizing the card information. Your credit card will not be charged until we have approved the transaction. Credit card information is never stored on our website or server. This is the safest and most state-of-the-art e-commerce practice.

How can I change, update, or correct my personal information?

If you need to change anything in your account, simply click the “My Account” link in the top banner or along the left column of any page. This brings you to the “My Account” page. Change or update your email address, username, password, billing and shipping addresses, and payment options in this section.

How do Ikonic Spirits protect those under the age of 21?

Ikonic Spirits does not knowingly collect personal information from minors, and we take precautions to prevent minors from purchasing or receiving alcoholic beverages from us.
One of these steps is that any shipments containing alcoholic beverages are labeled with an “Adult Signature Required” sticker, and the common carrier that delivers our merchandise is required to ask for it and check for identification upon delivery.
To order or receive alcoholic beverages from Ikonic Spirits, you must be 21 years old. Furthermore, we recommend that parents monitor their children’s access to the Internet and our website to ensure that their child’s privacy is well protected. Selling high-end alcoholic beverages to minors is something we have no interest in doing.

Welcome to Ikonic Spirits

You must be of legal drinking age to enter this site. Age you over the age of 21?

Cookie Usage Notice

The cookies on this website are used by us and third parties for

different purposes, such as offering you a better browsing experience,

personalizing content and ads, providing social media features and

analyzing site traffic. We never sell your personal data. To learn more

about our usage of cookies on this site,.